Monday 1 March 2010

Wireless Energy

I want to talk about something that I've heard for a while now, but have failed to make it to our daily market shelfs. Wireless Energy Transfer.

Theory behind this technology was developed in the 1890s by Nikola Tesla, who managed to transmit 100 million volts of high-frequency electric power wirelessly over a distance of 26 miles at which he lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and ran one electric motor! He claimed that only 5% of the energy was lost in the process.

Nikola Tesla

I am unaware of the difficulties regarding this process, but I believe that after all those years, our homes should already be free of much of their wired equipments. Currently there is a Consortium integrated by many of the most important manufacturers of home electrical such as Phillips, Nokia, Olympus and Siemens, aiming at delivering specifications for a standard for wireless energy transfer.

Some wireless powered appliances are coming slowly to commercial releases. And you can see some of them here: Wireless Power Consortium Webpage
However, I fear that I will still take some time before we can arrive home and automatically all of our appliances will start charging.